A Loving Morah

I’m being very vague to protect the kids I’ve worked with, past and present. 

But every so often as a teacher, I meet a kid who punches me in the gut.

Not literally. (although with all the behavior issues we’re seeing these days, it happens)

But every so often I meet a kid who needs love so much it hurts. 

Sometimes they’re the kids you would think they are. 

The refugees and the kids from broken homes or the special needs students. But sometimes they’re just regular kids who , for some reason you will never know, desperately need to be loved. 

I can sense those kids. More than your regular teacher, I’d argue. 

Sometimes when I feel like quitting, I think HaShem must have put me in this place for a reason.

I can always find the kids who need a little extra. 

And don’t get me wrong, all kids need a little extra sometimes. And some kids are easier to love than others. It’s not like I never lose my patience. I’m just particularly good at loving the kids who need the most love. 

They stick with you.

All kids are special and wonderful but only some of them stick with you . The ones that stick with me, that I never forget, are the ones who need me like that.

It’s a hard job.


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