Pesach Cleaning for Dummies
First of all, if you haven't yet, go read because she pretty much summarizes it and my posts tend to get very specific and personal. (Have you ever noticed how introverts can't shut up about themselves on the internet? It's a real problem. We should form a support group and then not show up, because we're too introverted to talk to people in real life) Second, let's address this rumor. I've heard that there are some people who actually like cleaning for Pesach. I know a few of them. They don't seem like pathological liars to me, but I'm forced to draw that conclusion. If you are one of these women, please comment below. And come clean my house. I need to do further research on your tribal customs. * Now to get to the point. And this post is mostly a vent, so I'm sorry: I did something crazy this Pesach, something that will have bal...