About Me

 I am up at 5 am making challah.  This is not a thing that I do regularly.  Or even often.  I made dough on Purim during the afternoon for Shabbos, with the full knowledge that if I didn't make it the one day I had off of work, we weren't getting homemade challah for Shabbos. And honestly, the store brand challah we've been using was mostly stale.  No one wants to eat that.  I fell asleep on the couch last night after putting the baby to bed (shocking!) and woke up at 4am.  Unable to go back to sleep, I popped the challah in the oven, knowing how little I will feel like cooking for Shabbos when I get back from work.  I'm currently huddling on a heating pad with a cup of coffee, because my husband turns the heat down so low overnight that there are penguins in my basement who came here from the Antarctic to escape climate change.  What is it with husbands and heat?  Do they just hate comfort?

Anyway, I figured now was the perfect time for an "About Me" post.  Because there's more to my life than just my failed attempts at domestic skills.  Or at least, I try to tell myself that between the endless dishes, laundry, attempts at organizing, trips to Target etc.

Without Further Ado, I present to you... 

5 Facts About Me in no Particular Order

1: Just kidding, there was further ado.  I needed to refill my coffee. So, fact number one. I Drink a lot of coffee.  I started drinking coffee very young, like in middle school, so maybe there's some truth to that "it'll stunt your growth" rumor.  I kind of look like a tall person in a short person's body. People are always surprised at how short I am when standing right next to me, because apparently, I look taller.  Long limbs or something?  Idk.  On the other hand, I'm the tallest person in my family (I'm 5'3" ok.  I think that's Jewish woman average?) so go figure. 

2: I have horrible pregnancies.  I'm trying to not be a terrible person to be around for a whole nine months but it's not that easy. 

3: My Hebrew name is Esther.  It means a lot to me, because I picked it myself.  I'll explain how I picked my own Jewish name some other time. I almost changed my name legally when I got married, but it was mid-pandemic and the official channels were even slower than usual.  

4: I'm kind of a jock.  I played so many sports in my pre-frum days. I still haven't figured out how to be comfortable exercising in a skirt, so I do most of my workouts in my basement (with the penguins) these days. If anyone wants a workout partner in approximately 4 months, let me know. Because of fact #2, I'm mostly sticking to pilates videos right now.

5: I'm a preschool teacher.  Technically, I have a M.Ed in Special Education.  I have a lot to say about my job and teaching in general but am frankly afraid to say it on the internet.  I also started reading the Sefer Chofetz Chaim and I'm not sure, but every thought I've ever had on the subject might be considered lashon hara.  

It's just occurred to me that all of these could be spin-off posts of their own (except maybe the coffee and being short one, because who cares?), so there's a little sneak peek at upcoming content.

The scene in my house right now


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