I put it in all caps so you know I mean business.

I really doubt, based on my sporadic posting history, that anyone reads this blog any longer.  And if you do, chances are high that you are also a Jewish woman and in that case I am preaching to the (Jewish) choir. 

I'm angry. 

I'm sad.

I'm scared.

But mostly, angry. 

I'm a redhead with a redhead temper. 

I'm angry at all the people I'm friends with on facebook from college who are APALLED at the loss of Palestinian lives but couldn't give a d-mn about dead Jewish children. I'm angry that they decided to shout "from the river to the sea" like genocide is just fine as long as it's Jews were killing

Not only do these lily white goyim not have any skin in the game, so to speak, but I'm quite sure Hamas would be almost as happy to see them dead. 

Yes, I'm angry.
I'm angry that Jews are "white" when it suits your political agenda for us to be so like the Holocaust wasn't less than 100 years ago.  

I want to call them up and say: You may not believe it but Jews cannot be COLONIZING  Israel.  We ARE the native population. Moschiach cannot come soon enough.  
Those dead Palestinians you care so much about are being murdered by Hamas.  The resources Israel has been sending them have been coopted by HAMAS, a terrorist organization, which you seem to be unable to condemn. 
Not Israel.  Jews are not the ones oppressing Palestinians. That is HAMAS.  

In a way I'm glad that all this antisemitism  in the supposed enlightened West has been exposed. It reminds me that we can only really trust in HaShem and not supposed enlightened democracies. 

And just one more question for all my old "friends".  If we do what you want and give Israel over to Hamas, which, let me remind you, their stated goal is to wipe out all Jews, where do you propose we go?  Because we will not be dying for your convenience. 


The Jewish people live. 

Well, there you go, Isha Yiras HaShem, I told you I could offend more people on the internet. 

(If you want a less vitriolic take on things, go over to her blog @Isha Yiras HaShem)


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