
Showing posts from September, 2023

Mom Guilt Everywhere

 It's happened.  The one thing we thought could not be possible.  I have become LESS of a balabusta than I already am.  Since having baby number two, my desire to do anything other than sleep has gone completely out the window.  But I've recently started work again.  Not the few hours a week work that most women in my community do (that sounds petty.  It's not petty.  I think they have the right idea.  There's no way to be a mom and take care of the house and work and not go insane.  I just don't have that option right now) full time work. Teaching preschoolers.  So guess what I don't feel like doing at the end of the day.  That's right, spending any time in the kitchen.   It's not that I'm even that drained.  The day goes by pretty quickly.  But when I get home I want to be with my toddler who I've missed all day. She's in the classroom right next to me but still... or my baby who I feel incredibly guilty about being away from.  I also want