Crunchy Mom in the Real World
One thing you might not know about me is my desire to be a crunchy mom is strong. -there was the elimination communication episode (IT WORKED OK! I get really mad about this one) * -The cloth diapers -The replacing all the plastic in my house with glass jars -the baby led weaning -the baby wearing -the breastfeeding Success of these endeavors varies. Then there were things that crunchy mom "should" do but I definitely don't want to: -Skipping vaccinations (I'm pro-vaccinations don't start here) -Honestly, after experimenting and failing, cloth diapers -co-sleeping (NO. I have enough trouble sleeping without worrying about suffocating my infant son or getting attacked by my toddler.) Then there are the things I really want to do but can't swing, either because of expense, having to work, or being frum- (hard to be barefoot in the grass when you won't go outside without tights and closed toe shoes) like: -eating...