Several Thoughts

1: Is it weird that the thing I miss most when I'm pregnant (aside from beer.  I like the taste and carbonation of beer, ok?) is working out?  Yes, I know plenty of women work out when pregnant. And I try, too.  It's just at this point in the pregnancy and feeling as terrible as I do, I can barely get off the couch.   

2: Related- I am VERY annoyed about the lack of women's pools/ pools with women's only hours in the area. There used to be exactly one, at the JCC, but from what I can tell, they cut those hours.*

3: Do NOT get me started on the JCC 

4: Also related, if any frum women in Boston want to learn how to row, please message me. 
I'm a US Rowing Certified coach with about ten years of experience coaching and coxing and a lot more with rowing in general.  I'm seriously thinking of putting together a frum women's only club. Maybe at some time in the future… I always forget how long it takes to recover from pregnancy 😭😭😭

5: oops, I gave away my location 

6: this blog is not anonymous. 

7: Circling back to statement #1- I have, in this pregnancy:  

- Phenylketonuria
-one umbilical artery 
-terrible sciatica *
- pretty bad anemia 

And somehow, this is still better than my first pregnancy. 

Yes, having kids is a huge bracha. 
But also I am legitimately terrible at pregnancy.  If grades were handed out for nine months of gestation I would be a D+.  The plus is only because I felt bad for myself.

*People keep telling me swimming will help the sciatica.  See rant about lack of women's only lap swims. 


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