When Your Cleaning Lady Knows More About Passover then Your Family

Actually, my cleaning lady is wonderful all year, but especially right now. She’s worked with plenty of Jewish households so I barely had to give her any instructions at all. 

She’s also been either too polite to ask or only just now realized I’m pregnant. Which, as a woman with many failings, not the least of which is vanity, endears her to me. * 

Anyway, let’s compare and contrast this to some of the amazing comments I’ve gotten from my family over the past week: 

“How many days do you have to sit in silence for?” (From my mother, who assumes that if I’m not answering the phone I must not be talking at all. And also has a very warped view of shabbos and yuntiff. And also may have confused Judaism with a monastic vow of silence)

“When is Pes-ASH?” From my sister. 

“Did they bless the kitchen?” Again, my mother who I guess thinks I paid some bochurim to bless my kitchen 

It’s not a big deal,  I guess. I’m not trying to be difficult and I know my family is not religious but I get so tired of being the odd one out all the time. Plus we get it from both sides, but I’m not going to talk about my in laws. My husband can start a blog if he wants to elaborate on the comments he’s gotten.  

* I’ve been reading my dear friend Henry James excuse the fact that I lapsed into speaking like a woman from the turn of the century there. It was fun . Why am I not preparing for Pes- ASH? Because I’m trapped under a napping baby with croup. Next question 


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